Friday, February 15, 2008

NBA Partyers of the Week

Okay, this weekend is special. It's NBA All-Star Weekend, it's in the NOLA. There are going to be a lot of drunk NBA players this weekend, a lot of them, and they're all going to be together. They're also all going to be with rappers, actors, comedians, models and hot chicks who are there because, well, they're hot.

Yesterday was also Valentine's Day. Steve Nash and Dirk Nowitzki were also reunited on the holiday of love. So in honor of Valentines Day, NBA All-Stars partying, Friday and all that is right, I must post these pictures (yes, I know they're old and very well circulated, but I have more coming this weekend in honor of the party that is All-Star Weekend). I know someone out there has never seen them.

More to come later....