Saturday, March 08, 2008

David Harrison threatens to kill Matt Bonner

David Harrison is a piece of crap, a really large piece of crap, since he's about seven feet tall.

It all starts with the fact that he is friends with one of those idiots who was on The Real World, and Harrison actually appeared on an episode of the show during his rookie season. Everybody knows that all those people who are on The Real World are pretty much tools.

Then Harrison gets suspended for smoking pot this year (he failed his third drug test and missed five games), just another thing the Pacers need for their image (they're the new Jailblazers).

Now Harrison is suspended by his own team for his conduct.

Harrison lost his composure inside the locker room after being escorted there by team security in the final seconds of the game. He wound up getting a couple of stitches in his head.

Part of Harrison's frustrations stemmed from San Antonio Spurs forward Matt Bonner hitting him in the face on a drive to the basket in the final minute of the game. Bonner was called for an offensive foul on the play.

The San Antonio Express News reported today that Harrison picked up the technical for telling an official that he was going “to (expletive) kill” Bonner.
-Mike Wells, Indy Star
So basically, Davidson screamed at Bonner that he was going to kill him. That's just great. Harrison has quite a bit of class and seems like a great guy. On top of that Harrison loses his temper like a moron and gives himself stitches and he has no idea how, awesome.

The best part about it was Bonner's response to it all....

"You only get a technical for that?" Bonner asked. "Will Ferrell got ejected for that in Semi-Pro."

Point being David Harrison sucks and Matt Bonner rules, plus his last name is Bonner and he has red hair.